Esogetic Colourpuncture works on all aspects of a person and can augment other health practices in which one is engaged. It is heavily based in Chinese acupuncture theory, and uses iridology, sclerology, face reading, tongue analysis, hand and back and foot reflex zones to assess the person and determine the best protocol for that colourpuncture session. Colourpuncture can also enhance personal development and spiritual practices as it works with subconscious belief systems and patterns. It is also used to work on very physical symptoms, addictions, pain, and in cosmetic anti-aging effects.
A light is shone on reflex zones and acupuncture points, in a sequence and with specific shades of colour that stimulates the photoreceptors all over the skin. These receptors pick up the light frequency information and transmit it to all the cells in the body. The body uses this as a reset command, encouraging the body to start working more at "factory settings" - back toward healthy communication and function.
Infrared Light Therapy
Utilizing various devices that emit red and near infrared light over the skin can have beneficial effects for not only skin health but also muscle and connective tissue circulation and restoration. The Platinum LED light uses the red spectrum in the 630 nm and 660 nm range to penetrate at the skin level to aid with cosmetic anti aging effects and skin health in general. The 810 nm, 830 nm, and 850 nm range in the infrared light spectrum penetrates deeper into the body to benefit muscle and connective tissue, as well as soften scar tissue and aid in exercise and injury recovery. It is painless and relaxing.
See a conversation on Dr. Hamblin's research on red light therapy here:
as well as further education at:
I also use far infrared light heating pads which enhances circulation and nitric oxide release during the massage which helps in relaxing tissues and enhancing recovery from injuries. This heat penetrates a few inches into the tissue to have a deeper impact on circulation and health than a regular heating pad which penetrates about a half inch.